Free Essays | Technologyfilter

Good or Bad: The Effect of Technology on Humanity

Technology is a vital part of society. However, its effects on humanity is debated--is it good or bad for us? This sample argumentative essay argues that technology is neither good or bad, its effect depends on how it is used.

What is Computer Networking and Why is it Important?

Computer networking is an evolution in technology that most people employ nowadays from home to the office setup. Find out why computer networking is beneficial to individuals and businesses alike

Sample Technology Essay: The Culture of Smartphone Dependence Within the Last Decade

A culture of smartphone dependence has developed within the last decade. This led to the prominent use of smartphones to the extent that users have an overreliance on their devices. Read this sample essay to learn more about this culture.

How the Internet Became a Basic Necessity

Need an APA essay on How the Internet Became a Basic Necessity? Read full and free essay examples here at CustomEssayMeister

What is Ethical Hacking?

Ethical hacking is a responsible form of hacking that tests the integrity of a network. Read this essay to learn about the system.

Best Math Learning Apps for Students

Having trouble with your math homework? Here are some of the best math learning apps this 2021 to help you solve any problem and catch up with your classes.

Internet Hacks: Best Online Resources for College Students

Research papers and other academic writing will require students to use credible online resources. Read this article to learn about some of the best online sources for research and ways to identify reliable sources.

Sample Essay on Technology: Submarines

Submarines are sea vessels that can submerge completely underwater. Humans use them to aid in scientific research and explore harsh high-pressure environments. Armies also use them for waging war and patrolling naval territories.

The Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Linux is a distribution or operating system that provides users with extensive customizability. Its creator, Daniel Robbins, developed the system to minimize CPU usage and improve system performance.