Free Essays | Psychologyfilter

The Psychology of Child Abuse

Child abuse goes way beyond bruises and lacerations. Review this research paper on child abuse and check if it can help you with your research paper for free

Sample Research Paper: Narcissism and its Effect on Social Media Image

Narcissistic traits can have great effects on how an individual portrays their social media image. This literature review provides various research that studies the correlation between the two factors.

Psychology Paper: Analyzing the Psychological Disorder Presented in Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan

Black Swan tells the story of a talented ballerina who began suffering from a psychological disorder as she pursued perfection. Read this psychology paper to learn more about the disorder presented in Black Swan.

Sample Research Paper on Psychology: How to Improve Self-Perception

A research paper is an important written project whose main purpose is to advance and defend a thesis or claim using evidence. This sample research paper discusses ways to improve self-perception using evidence from the literature.

Sample Research Paper: Study Techniques You Can Use to Boost Productivity

Maintaining productivity can be difficult due to the stress that students experience in their academic life. Read this sample research paper to learn some study tips to boost productivity.

Research Paper in Psychology: Psychological Effects of Moving Residences

Moving residences is a significant event that can alter the social, economic, and cultural environment of an individual. These changes can lead to adverse psychological effects on individuals, especially children.