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Research Essay on Buddhism and its Beliefs

Buddhism is one of the most widely practiced and oldest religions over the world. But what is Buddhism and what is its origin?

Sample Research Paper: The Origin of Halloween

A research paper is a type of written project that advances a claim using evidence from reliable sources and sound reasoning. This sample research paper explores the origins of Halloween, its traditions, and its acceptability in the modern world.

Sample Argumentative Essay: The Separation of Church and State

The separation of church and state is the concept of preventing both institutions from affecting each other. This leads to the public’s ability to exercise religious freedom and prohibits the law from favoring a specific belief.

Sample Compare and Contrast Essay: Difference of Agnosticism and Atheism

Atheism and agnosticism are concepts that refer to ideas concerning the existence of a god. However, since most individuals have religious beliefs, many are confused about the definition of the concepts. Read this article to learn about their differences.

Sample Argumentative Essay: Should Parents Impose Religion On Their Children?

Parents tend to impose religion on their children as part of parenting. However, some argue against the imposition of religion on children due to its effect on child development. This article argues that parents should impose religion on children.

Sample Expository Essay: Religion and Social Integration

Religion can greatly affect the social integration process through shared beliefs and conflicting ideologies. It can make the process easier or difficult, depending on the approach of community members.