Writing Tipsfilter

How To Determine The Best Title For Your Essay

How To Determine The Best Title For Your Essay

The title partly determines how your essay will be remembered by the reader. A great title contributes a lot to an essay's overall success.

A Few Rules To Keep In Mind When Writing An Article

A Few Rules To Keep In Mind When Writing An Article

An article doesn't just contain relevant information. It holds the power to influence and change the reader's perception and opinion.

Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay

Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay

Unconventional in its approach, writing a persuasive essay requires that you use emotion as your primary tool.

How to make an effective outline

How to make an effective outline

An outline is basically a map of your thoughts and ideas, so it is essential to create one before starting on any assignment.


Writing An Essay On A Controversial Issue

When writing about a controversial issue, your information, evidence, statistics, and analysis matter the most.

The Three Modes Of Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, And Logos

The Three Modes Of Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, And Logos

Using ethos, pathos, and logos in your writing is a time-tested strategy for enhancing your ability to convince your readers.

Ultimate 19 Tips For Successful Report Writing

Ultimate 19 Tips For Successful Report Writing

There are many kinds of reports such as financial, laboratory, scientific, technical, and medical reports. Each one has a specific format that the author will need to follow. Read the article for some helpful tips that you can apply to any report.

Ten Ways to Awaken your Writing Spirit

Ten Ways to Awaken your Writing Spirit

A tired mind will not be able to perform anything well, and if you cannot figure out how you would like to begin your writing, you probably need a nap. A quick nap can recharge your brain, and consequently power it up. Just do not exceed an hour of nap time, because then you will just be more tired than you are an hour ago.

Tips for Editing Your Paper

Tips for Editing Your Paper

A good paper is one that flows clearly and coherently. All parts should be related to each other and the paper should progress logically. When editing your paper, check if the discussion is easy to follow.

The Rules of Passive and Active Voices in Writing

The Rules of Passive and Active Voices in Writing

Generally, the use of passive and active voices is a fundamental distinction in the English language, which can cause confusion to writers, even to native English speakers. Students learning the language are often taught to avoid using the passive voice, directly equating it to being “weak”.

Choosing the Best Title

Choosing the Best Title

To begin writing the title, you must write the essay first. It should be formed according to the content. You can, however, come up with a working title to begin with, but change it later on into a more appropriate one as the tone of your essay becomes more defined.

Keeping Your Readers Interested In Your Narrative

Keeping Your Readers Interested In Your Narrative

Beyond your purpose, your story should have a direction. To get a good grasp of the said direction, you must firmly set on a theme that will elevate your piece. This will make your story less about you, and more relevant to your reader.

The Differences Among Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

The Differences Among Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are three different approaches to integrating content from your sources into your paper. Quoting refers to including a direct quote. On the other hand, paraphrasing and summarizing both involve putting the content of your sources in your own words. Whereas paraphrasing is done for shorter passages, summarizing is done for longer works.

Tips on Writing A Reflection Paper

Tips on Writing A Reflection Paper

A reflection paper is a personal essay. Its goal is to let the students take on a personal approach on certain topics and to express their thoughts and feelings toward them. It is a reflection—the student is expected to think about the topic, whether it is a film, a book, an experience, or a topic from class.

Most Common Grammar Mistakes Students Make

Most Common Grammar Mistakes Students Make

The English language can be quite confusing, even if you've been using it all your life. Be wary of these grammar mistakes students commonly make, and make sure to avoid them the next time you write an essay.