
How to Write a Speech

How to Write a Speech

A great speech captivates the audience, captures their attention, and leaves a lasting impression.


How To Prepare For A Debate

A debate is a civilized argument between two individuals with opposing views. You cannot let your emotions drive your statements nor should you try to be hostile against your opponent. You should properly prepare valid arguments that lean on facts and evidence.


Example of An Effective Speech

History is a witness to the power of speeches in inspiring change and rallying Americans together during the most turbulent periods in their nation’s history. The greatness of speeches is evident of the immediate elevation to the status of fine and timeless literary gems.

Most Memorable Graduation Speech Ideas

Most Memorable Graduation Speech Ideas

Before you write that speech, check out how these amazing individuals wrote and delivered their respective graduation speeches. These are some of the most inspiring and memorable graduation speeches in history--so far.

Greatest Speeches in History

Greatest Speeches in History

When a person is writing a speech, he always considers who he is delivering it to. The speech should never be meant to leave the odd one out. This can be difficult, considering that the audience is almost always a melting pot: a collection of people from all walks of life.

How To Be a Great Debater

How To Be a Great Debater

Without sufficient composure, the debater may fall victim to stuttering and ineffective speaking, two of which, though they are not critically integral to a debater’s argumentation, impact it negatively. The audience, the judges, the opposition, and the debater himself are all human.

ESL Tips to Master Conversational English

ESL Tips to Master Conversational English

Conversational English can be quite tricky for ESL learners. There are some rules that deviate from formal grammar rules, words may take on new connotations, and non-verbal cues may differ from your culture. With this comprehensive guide, you will be able to master conversational English in no time.

Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills

Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills

Communication skills are vital after college. You will need to communicate with different people regardless of your field of work. So, start building your communication skills now with these tips for improving your communication skills.