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100 Best Classification Essay Topics

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Alex Ponomarenko
Oct 16, 2019
100 Best Classification Essay Topics

You won’t usually encounter a formal classification essay assignment, but if you do, make sure to choose a topic you find interesting. Make your first experience in writing a classification essay a memorable one. If you are worried about writing a classification essay for lack of idea on what it really is, you'll be surprised at how easy it is to write a classification essay. Classification essay is quite simple: you just have to identify the subsets of a subject and categorize them accordingly. The advantage of learning how to write a classification essay is that the skill set you earned from it can be greatly utilized in thesis writing . The tricky part of writing a classification essay is gathering all the necessary information and organizing them. Remember: a classification essay should be able to give more depth to a subject so an in-depth research is highly recommended. It can be tedious to research about a topic you find dull, which is why you must choose a topic that can boost your creativity. If you are not sure where to start, here is a list of the best classification essay topics you can choose from.

Best Classification Essay Topics

100 Best Classification Essay Topics

Almost everything can be categorized, but you must watch out for redundant topics. There are subjects that already have distinctions and thus would no longer need elaborations. Here are some of very interesting, if not best classification essay topics that can spark your interest and bring out your creativity:


Science is a broad subject and the smart way to play with science topics is to narrow down the topics you’ve chosen into different categories. Here are some of the best classification essay topics in the field of science:

  1. Kinds of animals according to skills
  2. Kinds of animals according to natural habitat
  3. Kinds of animals according to physique
  4. Kinds of animals according to diet
  5. Kinds of animals according to their interaction with humans
  6. Kinds of plants according to domain
  7. Kinds of plants according to kingdom
  8. Kinds of plants according to phylum
  9. Kinds of plants according to class
  10. Kinds of plants according to order
  11. Kinds of plants according family
  12. Kinds of plants according to genus
  13. Kinds of plants according to species
  14. Different types of ecosystem
  15. Different types of clouds
  16. Different types of chemical hazards
  17. Theories on the evolution of man
  18. Theories on the formation of life
  19. Ancient animals that are extinct
  20. Ancient animals that still exist
  21. Extinct animals that resurfaced
  22. Different types of galaxy
  23. Theories on the formation of earth
  24. Classical mechanics
  25. Classical thermodynamics


It is safe to say that the modern world revolves around technology. From factory machines to smart gadgets, it has undeniably taken over our world. There is just so much to talk about when it comes to technology. If you tried to use a technology research paper topic for your essay but it did not work, try choosing from this list of best classification essay topics for technology:

  1. Kinds of computer users
  2. Kinds of social media users
  3. Kinds of Facebook users
  4. Kinds of Instagram users
  5. Kinds of websites
  6. Different types of mobile phone
  7. Different types of camera
  8. Different types of WiFi
  9. Applications of artificial intelligence
  10. Kinds of artificial intelligence
  11. Kinds of scanning devices
  12. Kinds of modern door locks
  13. Kinds of networks
  14. Kinds of sensors
  15. Kinds of robotics
  16. Benefits of having appliances
  17. Application of technology in medicine
  18. Application of technology in media
  19. Application of technology in therapies
  20. Kinds of assistive technology
  21. Data structures
  22. Kinds of database
  23. Peripheral devices
  24. Output devices
  25. Integrated circuits

Entertainment and Arts

Entertainment and arts is such a broad yet delicate subject. Entertainment encompasses all media. Although all forms of art are open for interpretation, your opinion can still be heavily criticized. If you want to avoid a bad review about your essay, the best way to write an essay about entertainment and arts is through classifying a piece of art’s elements. If you are not sure what the best classification essay topics involving entertainment and art are, check out this list:

  1. Exhibition entertainment (art fairs, art exhibits, art shows, museums)
  2. Live entertainment (concerts, circus, pyro shows, ballet shows, theater)
  3. Web media entertainment (vlogging, films, short films, web series)
  4. Mass media entertainment (television, radio broadcasting, fashion industry)
  5. 21st century prominent artists
  6. Best interactive museums
  7. Remarkable theater plays
  8. Evolution of music
  9. Different music genres
  10. Different rock genres
  11. Different film genres
  12. Different television series genres
  13. Pop culture trends
  14. Different book genres 
  15. Comic book characters taxonomy
  16. Culture and arts evolution
  17. Basic color palette 
  18. Kinds of paint brushes
  19. Kinds of paint canvas
  20. Types of traditional art
  21. Types of visual art
  22. Types of graphic art
  23. Types of decorative art
  24. Forms of art

Humanities and Social Science

Social awareness and empathy can be formed through proper education on humanities and social science. It is through these subjects that our society becomes better, so it is important that whenever you get the chance to write about humanities and social studies topics , you do it sincerely. It is also important to clarify misconceptions on humanities and social science and one way to do that is by writing a classification essay. Here are some of the best classification essay topics on humanities and social science: 

  1. Different kinds of law
  2. Political structures
  3. Social structures
  4. Different religions
  5. Distinction among christian religions
  6. Linguistic ethnography
  7. Modern philosophical theories
  8. Old philosophical theories
  9. Different Amazon tribes
  10. Types of culture
  11. Cultural values
  12. Elements of culture
  13. Subsets of culture
  14. Kinds of historical records
  15. Kinds of social class
  16. Kinds of social roles
  17. Human geography
  18. Processes of contemporary society
  19. Kinds of international relations
  20.  Economic issues on developing countries
  21.  Intercultural encounters
  22. Ancient civilizations 
  23.  Social movements
  24. Ancient languages
  25. Prominent humanity scholars

Custom essay writing services

Writing a classification essay is time-consuming because of the volume of information you have to include. If you don’t have the time to gather enough information for your classification essay, or if you can’t even choose a topic despite browsing the list of best classification essays, then you might want to resort to other options like online essay writing services. CustomEssayMeister can provide custom writing services for students like you who are having trouble writing their essays. If you are too busy, don’t start to write a classification essay until you have obtained all relevant information. Avoid a sloppily written classification essay—buy availing online essay help services from CustomEssayMeister. Make essays the least of your concern by hiring a highly qualified professional to write a custom essay for you.

Written by
Alex Ponomarenko
I am a content manager from California, US. I started as a content writer intern eleven years ago and became a content manager six years after. I joined CustomEssayMeister five years ago and enjoy being a part of the team every day.









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