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Essay Topic Suggestions

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Jul 16, 2019
Essay Topic Suggestions

As the saying goes, “the pen is mightier than the sword”, but remember that the pen itself is merely a tool that aids the writer. No, it does not signify an effective writer . Though we may all like to think ourselves as the next Edward Bulwer-Lytton, inspiration is not enough of a component for good writing. Because you see, English essay conventions do follow certain techniques and formulas, and can come in more ways than one – plenty of them can be as simple as counting to five, and the rest can be as complex as a mathematical equation. In any case, writing an essay demands for more than just writing spirit – it calls for a formidable knowledge of technique.

Essay Topic Suggestions

The Five Paragraph Essay

Though advanced academic papers can be considered an entirely different category on their own, the basic essay follows the standardized, five paragraph structure:

  • Introduction/thesis statement
  • 1st Body 
  • 2nd Body 
  • 3rd Body 
  • Conclusion

The introduction is the paragraph where the argument is presented, in the form of a thesis statement . Here, the reader is given an idea of what the essay will be about. The body paragraphs provide evidence for the argument, which is used to prove and persuade the reader. The conclusion is the summary of the content of the entire essay, a reiteration and emphasis of the argument’s validity.

Though seemingly formulaic (and it is), the idea of the structure was designed to make it easier for the reader to navigate the essay. Because of this formula, readers are easily able to distinguish each part. This structure also helps them go back and forth as they search for information most relevant to them.

Selecting an Essay Topic

Looking for the best essay topics is always a struggle, and sometimes it can even be harder than the writing process itself. It’s easy to choose a simple topic but playing safe won’t steer you in the direction of a winning essay. As you begin your essay writing process, remember to keep your interests in mind. Writing about the essay topic that you are passionate about will be easier and will often work to your advantage. Writing about it is tantamount to writing about the personal best essay topic. A great essay should be brimming with passion and interest, as your enthusiasm as a writer will shine through and will be easily sensed by your readers. With this in mind and a good grasp of the important role techniques play, you’ll be able to come up with  a paper with topnotch results

Essay Topic Suggestions

To begin the writing process, here are lists of curated essay topics, categorized into subjects you may be interested in. You need not necessarily utilize the exact topics prescribed below; merely drawing inspiration from them can be enough for you to come up with your very own best essay topics:

The self and body image

Interested about body image and how it affects people? These relevant and best essay topics listed below will surely keep you curious:

  • The fashion industry and advertising: should things be changed?
  • The effects of romantic films on real life relationships: damaging or beneficial?
  • Beauty pageants and their influence on women
  • It’s not about gender : young men suffer from body image problems
  • Advertising and how it damages men’s body images
  • Reshaping the fashion industry: using models that relate to regular people
  • Victoria’s Secret angels and plus-sized models
  • The plastic surgery rush: should women be encouraged to get this procedure?
  • Barbie and its body image effects on young girls
  • How should one develop a healthy body image?

The human mind and mental health

The human mind is a deep and endless mystery – if you would like to join in the quest, here are some of the best essay topics for you:

  • Drug brain damage: can it be reversed?
  • The effects of marijuana on the brain
  • How can lucid dreaming be beneficial to you?
  • Treating PTSD: The best practice
  • What more is there for virtual reality?
  • The effects and limitations of video games on children
  • Is the Internet actually affecting our intelligence?
  • Genetic engineering of humans: The limitations 
  • Race and the American Identity
  • The best way to help an alcoholic loved one

Social media and effects

Social media is rather new to the technological game, so pertinent studies are conducted every day. Here are the most timely and best essay topics to write about:

  • Should people be judged based on their social media profiles and activities?
  • The effects of online dating: can it actually help you find good relationships
  • Texting while driving should be illegal 
  • Our attention span has been eaten by the Internet
  • Does social media have a place in education?
  • How does social media affect teenagers now and their social lives?
  • Social media and its effects on parent-child relationships
  • Should constantly checking on your phone during social situations be considered as inappropriate?
  • Should colleges post rules regarding students’ activities on social media?
  • Handling cyberbullying : What to do if your child is a victim


Education remains a relevant topic and will always be vital to all humanity. Here are some of the best essay topics on issues the education sector is facing right now:

  • Is homework still beneficial to student achievement?
  • The case of quality: homeschooling, private school or public school?
  • Vaccinations should be mandatory in school
  • Should gifted students be given special education treatment?
  • Online schools/distance learning vs. traditional education
  • Should schools adapt to the online form of education?
  • The best methods for note-taking
  • Talking about suicide and prevention should be the norm
  • E-books: Should schools make the switch?
  • What makes mathematics so hard?

Family and relationships

Social dynamics can be tricky to analyze, but if you are interested to find out how it works, here are some of the best essay topics/essay topic suggestions for you:

  • The benefits of growing up in a big family
  • What is the formula to a successful marriage?
  • Are there any health benefits to a good marriage? 
  • The value that comes with knowing your genealogy
  • Interracial marriage should be considered normal
  • The benefits of living together before marriage: does it create a better commitment?
  • Family vacations and why you should have them
  • The best way to getting to know your teenagers
  • What causes a divorce?
  • The extent of rules parent should have for their children

Art, Music & Film

What makes art art ? What should be considered as music? What makes a film great? Mind boggling questions, check! Here are the best essay topics for you:

  • Is there money in art?
  • Music and cinematography should be considered as art, too
  • Gothic art as the revered magnificent history of mankind
  • Taking up art as a career: What happens when you do?
  • The music of today: educational or not meaningful at all?
  • Majority of current movies have no plot
  • How long should films be?


Humor is part of our core as human beings, so do not shy away from it! The best essay topics that can also stand-in for a future career in stand-up comedy:

  • What could your pets be thinking about you?
  • Things a driving instructor will never tell you
  • Why the client is never right
  • McDonald’s should be everyone’s least favorite restaurant
  • Thank you, I really needed that ticket
  • Why you should be drinking wine every day
  • The pros and cons of being a video game expert
  • Do you hate your last name?

There are plenty of essay topic suggestions still left out there, but you will surely be able to draw inspiration from those listed above. The essay writing process is long and tedious, but with the right topic and mentality, the journey will be a breeze – the best essay topic suggestions, as long as they pique your interest and you are equipped with the skills, will be a walk in the park. Just do not forget to apply technique to add your personal flavor! 

Essay writing service for college students

In the event that your writing skills are not ready to cooperate and you feel that these best essay topics are going to be in vain, feel free to enlist the assistance of our writing experts. Be it custom essays, custom research papers, custom term papers, presentations, articles, or even the dreaded theses and dissertations, worry not. As the top ghostwriting service company in the market, we at CustomEssayMeister are eager to give you the academic help you need. Enlist our aid now and be guaranteed peace of mind.









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