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Sample Essay on Business Research: Why is it Important to Have a Human Resources Department?

Business Writing Business Concepts
Nov 2, 2020

A CEO’s secret to having a thriving corporation or company is having an effective Human Resources Department. You read that right. It’s not making the biggest profit among its competitors or having the most loyal and trustworthy right-hand man. Having the best Human Resources Department is of critical importance but it may be overlooked by many. So what makes them an indispensable part of an organization?

The Human Resources Department isn’t just responsible for hiring or firing employees. Yes, they are indeed responsible for sifting and unearthing talents that would help the company meet the demands of a very competitive global economy. But they also work to develop a positive culture in the workspace so that employees will feel valued and motivated. In fact, 74% of US employees claim company culture is important to them; 58% would decide to leave for a new company if they have a better culture (Speakap). They help manage and strategize employee-centered activities which will further enhance the knowledge, camaraderie, and competence of the employees. Without them, a business wouldn’t have a pool of dedicated, talented, and wise people. And without those people, there will be no business to run.

Making sure that an employee has the necessary qualifications and skills to meet the demands of a position is very critical for a company and this is often tasked to the Human Resources Department. Doing this will reduce the possibility of turnover and increase the percentage of employee retention. This means that not only does the business save money but also that the employee will surely be the right fit for the job. What they do is construct a plan that measures performance to prevent an employee from ending up with a job that isn’t suitable for them. They also conduct carefully designed surveys and interviews. They can use the data they gathered to distinguish and address issues, like helping out students balance their academics and work life , which will help in reducing employee dissatisfaction. This is why the misconception that the Human Resources Department holds little interest in employee concerns should be dropped.

The fact that they are more exposed to employee performance, behavior, and relations means that they have a unique view of the people behind the company. Even if they’re not traditionally part of the team that strategizes the next steps of the company, the data they have collected is usually incorporated into the company’s business plan or strategy. This helps the higher-ups make smarter business decisions regarding on how each of their employees can contribute to the company and what else they can do to nurture their employees.

When companies take notice and act on an employee’s needs, they’re most likely to be noticed by potential applicants. Without the data from the Human Resources Department, improving the company’s corporate image will be a lot harder. If the employees get treated fairly and equally, it will result in positive feedback. Word about the company’s employee-centered workplace culture will get out either because of a survey result or by word of mouth from the employees themselves.

What they do is no easy feat. They juggle employee engagement, performance or productivity, empowerment, rapport-building activities, and workplace culture on top of recruitment and monitoring the benefits and paycheck. The Human Resources Department is the CEO’s partner in creating a corporate culture that is built upon the shared values and inputs of the whole organization. Without them, there is a possibility that the organization will be less successful.

Even if technology is on the rise nowadays, completely replacing the department with robots is not an option. Employers recognize how important it is to have an actual person evaluate potential hires and observe and interact with their employees rather than just rely on a computer program. A computer program is set to look for keywords on the resume that will match what the company is currently looking for. Knowing how to write the perfect resume will come in handy as there is a chance that a resume will get filtered by the computer before it reaches the hands of anyone from the Human Resources Department.

To conclude, the Human Resources Department is important because it is essential to the success of a company. They keep both the employer and employee happy by ensuring a positive environment in the workspace and that they both benefit from each other. Without them, the organization’s complex workforce will be difficult to maintain and the company’s success may be delayed.

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Speakap. (n.d.). Research Study - The Culture Factor: Improving Employee Loyalty and Relationships. Speakap. https://resources.speakap.com/en/culture-employee-loyalty









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