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Other Forms of Discrimination in the Modern World

Oct 25, 2011

An essay is a form of academic coursework assigned to students at almost every academic level. This project features an organized discussion centered around a defined thesis statement and comprises three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion . This sample essay discusses why discrimination has no place in the modern world.

It is easy to fall into the notion that humanity, with all the sweeping steps it has taken towards progress and modernization, has finally learned to let go of all its biases and prejudices. After all, the horrific crimes against humanity immortalized in the pages of history should have already served as potent lessons. Slavery should never be practiced again while the habit of basing worth on one’s skin color, culture, or gender should be deemed ludicrous. Unfortunately, one can only dream of this vision. Despite all the positive changes, discrimination remains rampant around the world, affecting billions of people. Many forms of discrimination exist today. Examples include racism like Neo-Nazism, sexism in the form of the glass ceiling and gender pay gap , and homophobia that denies people who identify as LGBT+ basic human rights. The prevalence of these injustices is a timely reminder that discrimination must end once and for all. Examining the current state of the world ultimately leads to the conclusion that discrimination no longer has a place in a modern world characterized by globalization, increased access to knowledge, and greater awareness of the historical injustices of the past.

The rise of globalization is one of the reasons why discrimination should be eliminated once and for all. Technology has made the world more interconnected than ever. While it is true that various cultures and societies have been in contact since ancient times, the past few decades have witnessed their interaction achieve far greater heights. Innovations like modern transportation, the internet, and social media have resulted in countries becoming more deeply integrated and interdependent (Lule, 2017). Meanwhile, constant migration has turned major cities into diverse sprawling urban centers. Indeed, the world has become a much smaller place that scholars now call this planet a global village, a term that alludes to how easy it is now to move around, trade, and exchange information (Soni, 2019). Globalization, of course, naturally leads to increased interaction between people from almost all walks of life. It is not unusual for a workplace today to have employees of different races, ethnicities, and gender identities. However, allowing biases and prejudices to influence interaction can only lead to a conflict of varying degrees of severity. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each and every person who interacts with people from other backgrounds to suspend these biases and prejudices. In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that promoting diversity is beneficial. Studies show that diversity allows groups to pool their competencies in order to become better and more efficient (Hernandez, 2019). This is true on the micro level such as a workplace and on the macro level such as in entire communities and countries. In a world where everyone is connected to each other, discrimination can only mean trouble and therefore must be eliminated.

Increased access to knowledge is another reason why discrimination should not be tolerated. The human tendency to make judgments about and be suspicious of others is considered by many scholars as a defense mechanism, a vestige of a distant past in human history where making up one’s mind about others real fast increases chances of survival in a harsh world (Douglas, 2017). This might have been useful in the distant past, but today this tendency is no longer of any use and is outright harmful. This is because society already has access to a wealth of knowledge. Internet devices like computers and smartphones alongside more traditional media like print, radio, and television can serve as sources of information on others. In other words, people have the power to learn more about others, understand their backgrounds and situations, and in the process of learning develop empathy towards them. As researchers have consistently found in numerous studies, knowledge of the world is one of the keys to building and being in more harmonious relationships with others from different backgrounds (Ienni et al., 2022). With all these channels through which knowledge can be accessed, there is no longer any excuse for people with the capacity to inform themselves to still practice discrimination. People who consider themselves connected to the world’s store of knowledge is obligated to leave no room for biases and prejudices against others based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender, and any other aspects that have traditionally served as a basis for oppression. Of course, related to the issue of access to knowledge is the issue of greater awareness of historical injustice. Knowledge of past injustices like the Atlantic Slave Trade and the Holocaust has always played a part in learning the lessons of the past. In a world that is coming to terms with its dark past, sticking to discrimination is simply unacceptable.

The world has certainly come a long way. Emerging from the darkness and violence that were widespread many centuries ago, the world today is undoubtedly a better place. But it is not a perfect world, and countless people still endure the effects of discrimination like sexism, racism, ageism, ableism, and homophobia. However, discrimination is obviously obsolete in the modern world. Increased interaction through globalization, instant access to information, and reconciliation with past injustices more than necessitating the elimination of discrimination in every society. People who seek to be integrated into the modern world must understand that current values and realities have zero tolerance for biases and prejudice, and anyone who holds on to these faces the risk of being left behind. It is therefore in a person’s interest for them to be a better version of themselves by letting go of their biases and prejudices.

An essay is just one of the many academic projects students write in school. Some of the others are research papers, term papers, dissertations, and theses among others. If you are too tired, too busy, or simply not in the mood to labor over your papers, allow a professional from CustomEssayMeister to do the work for you. Our expert writers are more than capable of completing your projects with high quality.


Douglas, K. (2017, December 17). Effortless thinking: Why stereotyping is an evolutionary trap . New Scientist. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23631560-600-effortless-thinking-why-stereotyping-is-an-evolutionary-trap/

Hernandez, J. (2019). The benefits of unity in diversity: How to use the clash of ideas to make better decisions. Independent Publisher.

Ienna, M., Rofe, A., Gendi, M., Douglas, H. E., Kelly, M., Hayward, M. W., Callen, A. Klop-Toker, K., Scanlon, R. J., Howell, L. G., & Griffin A. S. (2022). The relative role of knowledge and empathy in predicting pro-environmental attitudes and behavior. Sustainability, 14(8), 4622. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14084622 

Lule, J. (2017). Globalization and Media: Global village of Babel. Rowman & Littlefield.

Soni, Y. P. (2019). Global village and the economy. Xlibris Corporation.









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