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Writing a Diagnostic Essay

Writing GuidesEssay Writing
Oct 8, 2019
Writing a Diagnostic Essay

There are many reasons as to why you may be asked to write a diagnostic essay, but one particular reason is to assess the depth of your writing skills. An instructor or teacher will use your diagnostic test as a way to know which areas in writing you still need to improve. An employer will let you take a diagnostic test to see if your level of writing is sufficient enough to hire you as an employee. A university you are applying for may also require you to do a diagnostic test before accepting you as a student. In that sense, a diagnostic essay is similar to an admission essay, but with more pressure brought by time. 

A diagnostic essay aims to learn how capable you are as a writer within a constrained amount of time. You have to be wary of simple mistakes in grammar , spelling, and other formatting rules. Your basic understanding of writing and the English language will be scrutinized through the paper you wrote under limited time.  

Writing a diagnostic essay is naturally challenging because of the time pressure and how fast you have to think while writing. In writing a diagnostic essay, you do not have the luxury of writing freely and proofreading it to its best version. However, there are ways for you to be more prepared in writing a diagnostic essay beforehand.

You cannot cheat your way through a diagnostic essay. You cannot write an essay earlier and pretend to write it during the allotted time only to pass your pre-written essay. The prompt for a diagnostic essay is often given by the essay administrator on the exact time and day you will write it, and they will likely monitor you through your writing process. 

Here are ways on how to write a diagnostic essay with more ease:

How to Write a Diagnostic Essay

Practice beforehand

You have to be prepared for your diagnostic essay. If you were informed that you are going to write a diagnostic essay prior, then make use of the time you have between now and the day you have to learn how to write it by practicing. You can do this by choosing a prompt you want to write about and then timing yourself while writing, much like in an actual diagnostic essay. Repeat until you are satisfied with the quality of work you have delivered. Your diagnostic essay does not have to be perfect, however, you must not commit the same errors too many times in your writing.

Organize and divide your time accordingly

When you are asked to write your diagnostic essay in 40 minutes, make sure you utilize every minute of it. Depending on how you work, allot enough time to construct your thesis statement , enumerate the points you want to make to support it, and form your body paragraphs along with your conclusion. It would help if you do not start writing your essay right away but instead formulate the main ideas first.

Make an outline of your essay

To efficiently organize your time, make an outline for your essay before writing it in its entirety to help ease the pressure. Each paragraph should have a thought you will introduce, hypothesize, expand, and base your conclusion from. By doing so, you will avoid unnecessary mistakes in your essay, and you will remain coherent throughout.

The basic outline of your diagnostic essays should be:

  1. Introduction – Your introduction will set the tone for the rest of the essay. It would be best if you begin with something impactful, like a quotation or a striking statistic. Allow your readers to ponder over your introductory impressions to lead them over what you will be discussing in your diagnostic essay. Your introduction should also contain your thesis statement.
  2. Body paragraphs – Depending on how deep you want to go with your essay, you can customize the number of body paragraphs you want to use. Just be sure to open your body paragraphs with a topic sentence to serve as a summary of what the paragraph will further deliberate to serve your essay’s main argument.
  3. Conclusion – The conclusion should reiterate your thesis statement somehow, so it can have a better impact on the readers when you wrap up your main idea. Write a conclusion that will surely satisfy your reader and will close your thesis statement in a constructive tone.

Do not rush yourself

It is understood that you are under a lot of pressure to produce a smart and articulate essay within a limited time, however, do not subject yourself to too much stress by constantly checking on the time you have left. Follow your creative direction while being conscious of the time limit set for you – no matter how hard it is.

Understand the topic given 

Take some time to grasp the topic given to you for the diagnostic essay, and make sure it is something you possess sufficient knowledge about. Writing a diagnostic essay means you will not be able to research the prompt or topic given because it will consume most of your time or you will not have the means to do so. You have to work with whatever knowledge you have in store about the prompt. That said, you must make sure you read and store as much general information in your head as possible. If you can at least predict the prompt for the diagnostic essay or you might have an idea what they will ask you to write, then feel free to gather as much information about it as possible. 

Essay writing help for professionals and students 

Writing alone is hard enough, so imagine the weight writing a diagnostic essay might have on an average or worse, an unskilled writer. Not everyone is blessed with adequate skill and broad vocabulary and knowledge to obtain a satisfactory result in writing a diagnostic essay or other academic papers, and that’s why there are services some people seek in order to make sure they turn in a satisfactory paper. CustomEssayMeister’s custom essay writing help have writers who have gained expertise and experience to produce excellent papers, and they may even advise you on how their writing process goes. Our services include custom essays, custom term papers , custom research papers, and other academic papers. Let our Support Team know what you need and they will be able to link you with a suitable writer right away. 









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