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Curriculum Vitae Chronological Type Sample

TechnicalJob Application
Sep 16, 2021

The chronological type is the most common format that applicants use for their curriculum vitae. A chronological cv tends to highlight a person’s work experience rather than their skills. The format is useful for individuals with impressive career backgrounds and previous positions. Most employers will also prefer the format since it allows them to get a quick overview of an applicant’s qualifications.

Contents of a Chronological Type Curriculum Vitae

Applicant’s Profile

The first section of the curriculum vitae should include the individual’s personal information. This includes their name, address, contact information, and social media link. It is important to note that employers cannot legally request information like ethnicity, gender, and nationality. This is to avoid different discriminations that can affect an individual’s chances of getting a job. Applicants may also choose to not include their addresses. However, they should include information that will allow employers to contact them.

Education Section

The education section should include the college or university where the applicant graduated. They can include their dissertation title, GCSEs, GPAs, honors, and other academic achievements. For undergraduates, they can include still include the current school that they are attending and their expected degree. If an individual has not attended a college or university, they can skip this section or include the vocational classes that they have attended.

Work Experience Section

The main part of a chronological cv is the work experience section. Individuals must prioritize listing the work experiences that are relevant to their desired position. When listing these experiences, individuals must write them in reverse-chronological order. This means that the most recent experience should be at the top of the list. For the less relevant work experiences, applicants can list them in a separate section while still observing the reverse-chronological format. Additionally, if an individual does not have enough work experience, they can choose to use the functional type to highlight their skills over work history.

Skills Section

After an individual has listed all their work experience, they can then proceed with the skills section. In a chronological cv, the skill section can be a brief list of soft and hard skills. Individuals must ensure that the skills they are listing are relevant to the position. In some cases, applicants can exclude the skills section if they have a detailed work experience section. A detailed work experience section will include enough information for an employer to assess the skills that an applicant possesses.

Additional Sections

Aside from the skills section, applicants can include a section for their interests, hobby, affiliations, certifications, and references. While these sections may be less relevant, employers still use them to create a better assessment of an applicant’s qualifications. When writing these sections, applicants should try to pick interests, affiliations, and certifications that are relevant to their desired position.

Below is an example of a chronological type curriculum vitae:

Theresa Kepler

19 West Street, Blaketown, Lynchburg




Experienced teacher and advisor with 15+ years of experience in educational institutions. Have taught and advised over 2000+ students and contributed to their academic and life successes. Currently looking for a Director position within educational institutions to develop academic plans and strategies.


I. Ph.D. in Social Science

West Blake University


Graduated cum laude

II. B.A. in Social Science

The University of Triton


Work Experience

I. Academic Advisor

The University of Triton

October 2010 - Present

Main Responsibility: Advise a class of students by addressing a variety of concerns, giving announcements, and assisting with academic projects.

  • Advised over 900+ students and helped them achieve academic success.

  • Provided academic and personal advice to students.

  • Helped improve the GPA scores of advisory students up to 15%.

II. Special Education Teacher

Triton Isle Public College

February 2006 - August 2010

Main Responsibility: Teach a limited number of special education students and develop strategies to help them become better learners.

  • Taught classes of around 5 special education students.

  • Helped special education students and their parents address educational issues.

  • Developed comprehensive lesson plans to increase the test scores of special education students within Triton Isle and its sister schools.

III. High School Teacher - English

Newton South High

September 2004 - November 2005

Main Responsibility: Teach basic English theories and literature to high school students. Assist with managing extracurricular activities such as clubs, tutorials, and plays.

  • Taught high school-level English to 90+ students.

  • Developed lesson plans for the English Department of Newton South High.

  • Managed the school play club.

Other Work Experience

Freelance Tutor |  December 2005 - November 2010

Daycare Assistant | December 2005 - January 2006


  • Administrative skills

  • Mentorship

  • Interpersonal skills

  • Program management

  • Curriculum development

  • Conflict resolution


Lynchburg Special Education Teacher Certification


  • Contributing Author of Social News Weekly

  • Member of Blake Association


  • English - Native

  • Japanese - Intermediate

  • Swedish - Intermediate


  • Classic American Literature

  • Modern Art

  • Enology

Read more about other types of curriculum vitae:









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